Publication Title Authors Publication Year Sort ascending
E. coli allantoinase is activated by the downstream metabolic enzyme, glycerate kinase, and stabilizes the putative allantoin transporter by direct binding

Rodionova IA, Hosseinnia A, Kim S, Goodacre N, Zhang L, Zhang Z, Palsson B, Uetz P, Babu M, Saier MH Jr.

Elucidation of independently modulated genes in Streptococcus pyogenes reveals carbon sources that control its expression of hemolytic toxins

Hirose Y, Poudel S, Sastry AV, Rychel K, Lamoureux CR, Szubin R, Zielinski DC, Lim HG, Menon ND, Bergsten H, Uchiyama S, Hanada T, Kawabata S, Palsson BO, Nizet V

Empowering drug off-target discovery with metabolic and structural analysis

Chowdhury S, Zielinski DC, Dalldorf C, Rodrigues JV, Palsson BO, Shakhnovich EI

Elucidating the CodY regulon in Staphylococcus aureus USA300 substrains TCH1516 and LAC

Gao Y, Poudel S, Seif Y, Shen Z, Palsson BO

Regulatory perturbations of ribosome allocation in bacteria reshape the growth proteome with a trade-off in adaptation capacity

Hidalgo D, Martínez-Ortiz CA, Palsson BO, Jiménez JI, Utrilla J.

Experimental Evolution Reveals Unifying Systems-Level Adaptations but Diversity in Driving Genotypes

Kavvas ES, Long CP, Sastry A, Poudel S, Antoniewicz MR, Ding Y, Mohamed ET, Szubin R, Monk JM, Feist AM, Palsson BO

Systems biology approach to functionally assess the Clostridioides difficile pangenome reveals genetic diversity with discriminatory power

Norsigian CJ, Danhof HA, Brand CK, Midani FS, Broddrick JT, Savidge TC, Britton RA, Palsson BO, Spinler JK, Monk JM

A systems approach discovers the role and characteristics of seven LysR type transcription factors in Escherichia coli

Rodionova IA, Gao Y, Monk J, Hefner Y, Wong N, Szubin R, Lim HG, Rodionov DA, Zhang Z, Saier MH Jr, Palsson BO

Machine-learning from Pseudomonas putida KT2440 transcriptomes reveals its transcriptional regulatory network

Lim HG, Rychel K, Sastry AV, Bentley GJ, Mueller J, Schindel HS, Larsen PE, Laible PD, Guss AM, Niu W, Johnson CW, Beckham GT, Feist AM, Palsson BO

Pangenome analysis of Enterobacteria reveals richness of secondary metabolite gene clusters and their associated gene sets

Mohite OS, Lloyd CJ, Monk JM, Weber T, Palsson BO.

Identification and Engineering of Transporters for Efficient Melatonin Production in Escherichia coli

Yang L, Malla S, Özdemir E, Kim SH, Lennen R, Christensen HB, Christensen U, Munro LJ, Herrgård MJ, Kell DB, Palsson BO

Laboratory evolution of synthetic electron transport system variants reveals a larger metabolic respiratory system and its plasticity

Anand A, Patel A, Chen K, Olson CA, Phaneuf PV, Lamoureux C, Hefner Y, Szubin R, Feist AM, Palsson BO

Adaptive laboratory evolution and independent component analysis disentangle complex vancomycin adaptation trajectories

Fait, A., Seif, Y., Mikkelsen, K., Poudel, S., Wells, J. M., Palsson, B. O., & Ingmer, H.

Comparative pangenomics: analysis of 12 microbial pathogen pangenomes reveals conserved global structures of genetic and functional diversity

Hyun JC, Monk JM, Palsson BO

Positively charged mineral surfaces promoted the accumulation of organic intermediates at the origin of metabolism

Akbari A, Palsson BO

Advanced transcriptomic analysis reveals the role of efflux pumps and media composition in antibiotic responses of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Rajput A, Tsunemoto H, Sastry AV, Szubin R, Rychel K, Chauhan SM, Pogliano J, Palsson BO

Integration of physiologically relevant photosynthetic energy flows into whole genome models of light-driven metabolism

Broddrick JT, Ware MA, Jallet D, Palsson BO, Peers G

Genome-scale analysis of genetic regulatory elements in Streptomyces avermitilis MA-4680 using transcript boundary information

Lee Y, Lee N, Hwang S, Kim W, Cho S, Palsson BO, Cho BK

Minireview: Engineering evolution to reconfigure phenotypic traits in microbes for biotechnological applications Add to Default shortcuts

Kangsan Kim, Minjeong Kang, Sang-Hyeok Cho, Eojin Yoo, Ui-Gi Kim, Suhyung Cho, Bernhard Palsson, Byung-Kwan Cho

Is the kinetome conserved?

Palsson BO, Yurkovich JT

High-quality genome-scale metabolic network reconstruction of probiotic bacterium Escherichia coli Nissle 1917

van 't Hof M, Mohite OS, Monk JM, Weber T, Palsson BO, Sommer MOA

Machine Learning of All Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv RNA-seq Data Reveals a Structured Interplay between Metabolism, Stress Response, and Infection

Yoo R, Rychel K, Poudel S, Al-Bulushi T, Yuan Y, Chauhan S, Lamoureux C, Palsson BO, Sastry A.

Revealing Causes for False-Positive and False-Negative Calling of Gene Essentiality in Escherichia coli Using Transposon Insertion Sequencing

Choe D, Kim U, Hwang S, Seo SW, Kim D, Cho S, Palsson B, Cho BK

Machine learning from Pseudomonas aeruginosa transcriptomes identifies independently modulated sets of genes associated with known transcriptional regulators

Rajput A, Tsunemoto H, Sastry AV, Szubin R, Rychel K, Sugie J, Pogliano J, Palsson BO

Pan-Genome Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation in Six Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Strains Reveals Their Different Regulatory Structures

Yuan Y, Seif Y, Rychel K, Yoo R, Chauhan S, Poudel S, Al-Bulushi T, Palsson BO, Sastry AV

Synthetic 3'-UTR valves for optimal metabolic flux control in Escherichia coli

Choe D, Kim K, Kang M, Lee SG, Cho S, Palsson B, Cho BK

Coordination of CcpA and CodY Regulators in Staphylococcus aureus USA300 Strains

Poudel S, Hefner Y, Szubin R, Sastry A, Gao Y, Nizet V, Palsson BO

System-Level Analysis of Transcriptional and Translational Regulatory Elements in Streptomyces griseus

Hwang S, Lee N, Choe D, Lee Y, Kim W, Kim JH, Kim G, Kim H, Ahn NH, Lee BH, Palsson BO, Cho BK

An unexpected role for leucyl aminopeptidase in UV tolerance revealed by a genome-wide fitness assessment in a model cyanobacterium

Weiss EL, Fang M, Taton A, Szubin R, Palsson BØ, Mitchell BG, Golden SS

Systems and synthetic biology to elucidate secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters encoded in Streptomyces genomes

Lee N, Hwang S, Kim W, Lee Y, Kim JH, Cho S, Kim HU, Yoon YJ, Oh MK, Palsson BO, Cho BK