Publication Title Authors Publication Year Sort ascending
Multiplex secretome engineering enhances recombinant protein production and purity

Kol S, Ley D, Wulff T, et al.

The Bitome: digitized genomic features reveal fundamental genome organization

Lamoureux CR, Choudhary KS, King ZA, Sandberg TE, Gao Y, Sastry AV, Phaneuf PV, Choe D, Cho BK, Palsson BO.

Enzyme promiscuity shapes adaptation to novel growth substrates

Guzmán GI, Sandberg TE, LaCroix RA, Nyerges Á, Papp H, de Raad M, King ZA,
Hefner Y, Northen TR, Notebaart RA, Pál C, Palsson BO, Papp B, Feist AM

The genetic basis for adaptation of model-designed syntrophic co-cultures

Lloyd CJ, King ZA, Sandberg TE, Hefner Y, Olson CA, Phaneuf PV, O'Brien EJ, Sanders JG, Salido RA, Sanders K, Brennan C, Humphrey G, Knight R, Feist AM

Cross-compartment metabolic coupling enables flexible photoprotective mechanisms in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Broddrick JT, Du N, Smith SR, Tsuji Y, Jallet D, Ware MA, Peers G, Matsuda Y, 
Dupont CL, Mitchell BG, Palsson BO, Allen AE

Evolution and regulation of nitrogen flux through compartmentalized metabolic networks in a marine diatom

Smith SR, Dupont CL, McCarthy JK, Broddrick JT, Oborník M, Horák A, Füssy Z, Cihlář J, Kleessen S, Zheng H, McCrow JP, Hixson KK, Araújo WL, Nunes-Nesi A, Fernie A, Nikoloski Z, Palsson BO, Allen AE

Adaptive laboratory evolution of a genome-reduced Escherichia coli

D. Choe; J.Hyoung Lee; M. Yoo; S. Hwang; B.Hyun Sung; S. Cho; B. Palsson; S.Chang Kim; B.K. Cho

A White-Box Machine Learning Approach for Revealing Antibiotic Mechanisms of Action

Yang, J.H., Wright, S.N., Hamblin, M., McCloskey, D., Alcantar, M.A., Schrubbers, L., Lopatkin, A.J., Satish, S., Nili, A., Palsson, B.O., Walker, G.C., Collins, J.J

Adaptive laboratory evolution of Escherichia coli under acid stress

Du B, Olson CA, Sastry AV, Fang X, Phaneuf PV, Chen K, Wu M, Szubin R, Xu S, Hefner Y, Feist AM, Palsson BO

Creation and analysis of biochemical constraint-based models using the COBRA Toolbox v.3.0.

L. Heirendt; S. Arreckx; T. Pfau; S.N. Mendoza; A. Richelle; A. Heinken; H.S. Haraldsdóttir; J. Wachowiak; S.M. Keating; V. Vlasov; S. Magnusdóttir; C.Yu Ng; G. Preciat; A. Žagare; S.H.J. Chan; M.K. Aurich; C.M. Clancy; J. Modamio; J.T. Sauls; A. Noronha; A. Bordbar; B. Cousins; D.C.El Assal; L.V. Valcarcel; I. Apaolaza; S. Ghaderi; M. Ahookhosh; M. Ben Guebila; A. Kostromins; N. Sompairac; H.M. Le; D. Ma; Y. Sun; L. Wang; J.T. Yurkovich; M.A.P. Oliveira; P.T. Vuong; L.P.El Assal; I. Kuperstein; A. Zinovyev; S. Hinton; W.A. Bryant; F.J.Aragón Artacho; F.J. Planes; E. Stalidzans; A. Maass; S. Vempala; M. Hucka; M.A. Saunders; C.D. Maranas; N.E. Lewis; T. Sauter; B.Ø. Palsson; I. Thiele; R.M.T. Fleming

Characterization of CA-MRSA TCH1516 exposed to nafcillin in bacteriological and physiological media

Poudel S, Tsunemoto H, Meehan M, Szubin R, Olson CA, Lamsa A, Seif Y, Dillon
N, Vrbanac A, Sugie J, Dahesh S, Monk JM, Dorrestein PC, Pogliano J, Knight R,
Nizet V, Palsson BO, Feist AM

OxyR is a convergent target for mutations acquired during adaptation to oxidative stress-prone metabolic states

Anand A, Chen K, Catoiu E, Sastry AV, Olson CA, Sandberg TE, Seif Y, Xu S, Szubin R, Yang L, Feist AM, Palsson BO

BOFdata: Generating biomass objective functions for genome-scale metabolic models from experimental data

Lachance JC, Lloyd CJ, Monk JM, Yang L, Sastry AV, Seif Y, Palsson BO,
Rodrigue S, Feist AM, King ZA, Jacques PÉ

High-quality genome-scale metabolic modeling of Pseudomonas putida highlights its broad metabolic capabilities

Nogales J, Mueller J, Gudmundsson S, Canalejo FJ, Duque E, Monk J, Feist AM, Ramos JL, Niu W, Palsson BO

Primary transcriptome and translatome analysis determines transcriptional and translational regulatory elements encoded in the Streptomyces clavuligerus genome

Hwang S, Lee N, Jeong Y, Lee Y, Kim W, Cho S, Palsson BO, Cho BK

Adaptive evolution reveals a tradeoff between growth rate and oxidative stress during naphthoquinone-based aerobic respiration

Anand A, Chen K, Yang L, Sastry AV, Olson CA, Poudel S, Seif Y, Hefner Y, Phaneuf PV, Xu S, Szubin R, Feist AM, Palsson BO

The y-ome defines the 35% of Escherichia coli genes that lack experimental evidence of function

S. Ghatak; Z.A. King; A. Sastry; B.O. Palsson

Laboratory evolution reveals a two-dimensional rate-yield tradeoff in microbial metabolism

Cheng C, O'Brien EJ, McCloskey D, Utrilla J, Olson C, LaCroix RA, Sandberg TE, Feist AM, Palsson BO, King ZA

Expanding the uses of genome‐scale models with protein structures

Mih N and Palsson BO

Pseudogene repair driven by selection pressure applied in experimental evolution.

A. Anand; C.A. Olson; L. Yang; A.V. Sastry; E. Catoiu; K.Sonal Choudhary; P.V. Phaneuf; T.E. Sandberg; S. Xu; Y. Hefner; R. Szubin; A.M. Feist; B.O. Palsson

Synthetic Biology Tools for Novel Secondary Metabolite Discovery in Streptomyces

Lee N, Hwang S, Lee Y, Cho S, Palsson B, Cho BK

The Escherichia coli transcriptome mostly consists of independently regulated modules

Sastry AV, Gao Y, Szubin R, Hefner Y, Xu S, Kim D, Choudhary KS, Yang L, King ZA, Palsson BO

A computational knowledge-base elucidates the response of Staphylococcus aureus to different media types.

Y. Seif; J.M. Monk; N. Mih; H. Tsunemoto; S. Poudel; C. Zuniga; J. Broddrick; K. Zengler; B.O. Palsson

Cellular responses to reactive oxygen species are predicted from molecular mechanisms

Yang L, Mih N, Anand A, Park JH, Tan J, Yurkovich JT, Monk JM, Lloyd CJ,
Sandberg TE, Seo SW, Kim D, Sastry AV, Phaneuf P, Gao Y, Broddrick JT, Chen K,
Heckmann D, Szubin R, Hefner Y, Feist AM, Palsson BO.

Genome-scale model of metabolism and gene expression provides a multi-scale description of acid stress responses in Escherichia coli

Du B, Yang L, Lloyd CJ, Fang X, Palsson BO

Metabolic Systems Analysis of Shock-Induced Endotheliopathy (SHINE) in Trauma: A New Research Paradigm

Henriksen HH, McGarrity S, SigurÐardóttir RS, Nemkov T, D'Alessandro A, Palsson BO, Stensballe J, Wade CE, Rolfsson Ó, Johansson PI

BiGG Models 2020: multi-strain genome-scale models and expansion across the phylogenetic tree

Norsigian CJ, Pusarla N, McConn JL, Yurkovich JT, Dräger A, Palsson BO, King Z

Comparative Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling of Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-Producing Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Clinical Isolates

Norsigian CJ, Attia H, Szubin R, Yassin AS, Palsson BØ, Aziz RK, Monk JM

Minimal cells, maximal knowledge

Lachance JC, Rodrigue S, Palsson BO

The emergence of adaptive laboratory evolution as an efficient tool for biological discovery and industrial biotechnology

Sandberg TE, Salazar MJ, Weng LL, Palsson BO, Feist AM