Publication Title Authors Publication Year Sort ascending
COBRApy: COnstraints-Based Reconstruction and Analysis for Python.

A. Ebrahim; J.A. Lerman; B.O. Palsson; D.R. Hyduke

Inferring the metabolism of human orphan metabolites from their metabolic network context affirms human gluconokinase activity.

O. Rolfsson; G. Paglia; M. Magnusdóttir; B.Ø. Palsson; I. Thiele

Characterization and modelling of interspecies electron transfer mechanisms and microbial community dynamics of a syntrophic association.

H. Nagarajan; M. Embree; A.E. Rotaru; P.M. Shrestha; A.M. Feist; B.Ø. Palsson; D.R. Lovley; K. Zengler

Genomic landscapes of Chinese hamster ovary cell lines as revealed by the Cricetulus griseus draft genome.

N.E. Lewis; X. Liu; Y. Li; H. Nagarajan; G. Yerganian; E. O'Brien; A. Bordbar; A.M. Roth; J. Rosenbloom; C. Bian; M. Xie; W. Chen; N. Li; D. Baycin-Hizal; H. Latif; J. Forster; M.J. Betenbaugh; I. Famili; X. Xu; J. Wang; B.O. Palsson

Characterizing acetogenic metabolism using a genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of Clostridium ljungdahlii.

H. Nagarajan; M. Sahin; J. Nogales; H. Latif; D.R. Lovley; A. Ebrahim; K. Zengler

MS/MS networking guided analysis of molecule and gene cluster families.

D.D. Nguyen; C.H. Wu; W.J. Moree; A. Lamsa; M.H. Medema; X. Zhao; R.G. Gavilan; M. Aparicio; L. Atencio; C. Jackson; J. Ballesteros; J. Sanchez; J.D. Watrous; V.V. Phelan; C. Wiel; R.D. Kersten; S. Mehnaz; R. De Mot; E.A. Shank; P. Charusanti; H. Nagarajan; B.M. Duggan; B.S. Moore; N. Bandeira; B.Ø. Palsson; K. Pogliano; M. Gutiérrez; P.C. Dorrestein

A model-driven quantitative metabolomics analysis of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in E. coli K-12 MG1655 that is biochemically and thermodynamically consistent.

D. McCloskey; J.A. Gangoiti; Z.A. King; R.K. Naviaux; B.A. Barshop; B.O. Palsson; A.M. Feist

Structural systems biology evaluation of metabolic thermotolerance in Escherichia coli.

R.L. Chang; K. Andrews; D. Kim; Z. Li; A. Godzik; B.O. Palsson

Genome-scale metabolic reconstructions of multiple Escherichia coli strains highlight strain-specific adaptations to nutritional environments.

J.M. Monk; P. Charusanti; R.K. Aziz; J.A. Lerman; N. Premyodhin; J.D. Orth; A.M. Feist; B.Ø. Palsson

Basic and applied uses of genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions of Escherichia coli.

D. McCloskey; B.Ø. Palsson; A.M. Feist

Systems biology and biotechnology of Streptomyces species for the production of secondary metabolites.

K.S. Hwang; H.U. Kim; P. Charusanti; B.Ø. Palsson; S.Y. Lee

Studying Salmonellae and Yersiniae host-pathogen interactions using integrated 'omics and modeling.

C. Ansong; B.L. Deatherage; D. Hyduke; B. Schmidt; J.E. McDermott; M.B. Jones; S. Chauhan; P. Charusanti; Y.M. Kim; E.S. Nakayasu; J. Li; A. Kidwai; G. Niemann; R.N. Brown; T.O. Metz; K. McAteer; F. Heffron; S.N. Peterson; V. Motin; B.O. Palsson; R.D. Smith; J.N. Adkins

Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Elements between Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae by Genome-Wide Transcription Start Site Profiling.

D. Kim; J.S.J. Hong; Y. Qiu; H. Nagarajan; J.H. Seo; B.K. Cho; S.F. Tsai; B.Ø. Palsson

Model-driven multi-omic data analysis elucidates metabolic immunomodulators of macrophage activation.

A. Bordbar; M.L. Mo; E.S. Nakayasu; A.C. Schrimpe-Rutledge; Y.M. Kim; T.O. Metz; M.B. Jones; B.C. Frank; R.D. Smith; S.N. Peterson; D.R. Hyduke; J.N. Adkins; B.O. Palsson

Maximizing biomass productivity and cell density of Chlorella vulgaris by using light-emitting diode-based photobioreactor.

W. Fu; O. Gudmundsson; A.M. Feist; G. Herjolfsson; S. Brynjolfsson; B.O. Palsson

Intracellular metabolite profiling of platelets: evaluation of extraction processes and chromatographic strategies.

G. Paglia; M. Magnúsdóttir; S. Thorlacius; O.E. Sigurjónsson; S. Guðmundsson; B.Ø. Palsson; I. Thiele

A variational principle for computing nonequilibrium fluxes and potentials in genome-scale biochemical networks.

R.M.T. Fleming; C.M. Maes; M.A. Saunders; Y. Ye; B.Ø. Palsson

In silico method for modelling metabolism and gene product expression at genome scale

J.A. Lerman; D.R. Hyduke; H. Latif; V.A. Portnoy; N.E. Lewis; J.D. Orth; A.C. Schrimpe-Rutledge; R.D. Smith; J.N. Adkins; K. Zengler; B.O. Palsson

Gap-filling analysis of the iJO1366 Escherichia coli metabolic network reconstruction for discovery of metabolic functions.

J.D. Orth; B.O. Palsson

Exploiting adaptive laboratory evolution of Streptomyces clavuligerus for antibiotic discovery and overproduction.

P. Charusanti; N.L. Fong; H. Nagarajan; A.R. Pereira; H.J. Li; E.A. Abate; Y. Su; W.H. Gerwick; B.O. Palsson

Systems biology of stored blood cells: can it help to extend the expiration date?

G. Paglia; B.Ø. Palsson; O.E. Sigurjonsson

Detailing the optimality of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria through systems biology analysis.

J. Nogales; S. Gudmundsson; E.M. Knight; B.O. Palsson; I. Thiele

Proteomic analysis of Chinese hamster ovary cells.

D. Baycin-Hizal; D.L. Tabb; R. Chaerkady; L. Chen; N.E. Lewis; H. Nagarajan; V. Sarkaria; A. Kumar; D. Wolozny; J. Colao; E. Jacobson; Y. Tian; R.N. O'Meally; S.S. Krag; R.N. Cole; B.O. Palsson; H. Zhang; M. Betenbaugh

Constraining the metabolic genotype-phenotype relationship using a phylogeny of in silico methods.

N.E. Lewis; H. Nagarajan; B.O. Palsson

Monitoring metabolites consumption and secretion in cultured cells using ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q-ToF-MS).

G. Paglia; S. Hrafnsdóttir; M. Magnúsdóttir; R.M.T. Fleming; S. Thorlacius; B.Ø. Palsson; I. Thiele


J.E. McDermott; P. Braun; R. Bonneau; D.R. Hyduke

Anaerobic utilization of toluene by marine alpha- and gammaproteobacteria reducing nitrate.

K. Alain; J. Harder; F. Widdel; K. Zengler

Using the reconstructed genome-scale human metabolic network to study physiology and pathology.

A. Bordbar; B.O. Palsson

UPLC-UV-MS(E) analysis for quantification and identification of major carotenoid and chlorophyll species in algae.

W. Fu; M. Magnúsdóttir; S. Brynjólfson; B.O. Palsson; G. Paglia

Transcriptional regulation of central carbon and energy metabolism in bacteria by redox-responsive repressor Rex.

D.A. Ravcheev; X. Li; H. Latif; K. Zengler; S.A. Leyn; Y.D. Korostelev; A.E. Kazakov; P.S. Novichkov; A.L. Osterman; D.A. Rodionov