Publication Title Authors Publication Year Sort ascending
Functional characterization of alternate optimal solutions of Escherichia coli's transcriptional and translational machinery.

I. Thiele; R.M.T. Fleming; A. Bordbar; J. Schellenberger; B.Ø. Palsson

De Novo assembly of the complete genome of an enhanced electricity-producing variant of Geobacter sulfurreducens using only short reads.

H. Nagarajan; J.E. Butler; A. Klimes; Y. Qiu; K. Zengler; J. Ward; N.D. Young; B.A. Methé; B.Ø. Palsson; D.R. Lovley; C.L. Barrett

Systematizing the generation of missing metabolic knowledge.

J.D. Orth; B.Ø. Palsson

Structural and operational complexity of the Geobacter sulfurreducens genome.

Y. Qiu; B.K. Cho; Y.S. Park; D.R. Lovley; B.Ø. Palsson; K. Zengler

Model-driven evaluation of the production potential for growth-coupled products of Escherichia coli.

A.M. Feist; D.C. Zielinski; J.D. Orth; J. Schellenberger; M.J. Herrgard; B.Ø. Palsson

Omic data from evolved E. coli are consistent with computed optimal growth from genome-scale models.

N.E. Lewis; K.K. Hixson; T.M. Conrad; J.A. Lerman; P. Charusanti; A.D. Polpitiya; J.N. Adkins; G. Schramm; S.O. Purvine; D. Lopez-Ferrer; K.K. Weitz; R. Eils; R. König; R.D. Smith; B.Ø. Palsson

Deletion of genes encoding cytochrome oxidases and quinol monooxygenase blocks the aerobic-anaerobic shift in Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655.

V.A. Portnoy; D.A. Scott; N.E. Lewis; Y. Tarasova; A.L. Osterman; B.Ø. Palsson

Drug off-target effects predicted using structural analysis in the context of a metabolic network model.

R.L. Chang; L. Xie; L. Xie; P.E. Bourne; B.Ø. Palsson

A detailed genome-wide reconstruction of mouse metabolism based on human Recon 1.

M.I. Sigurdsson; N. Jamshidi; E. Steingrimsson; I. Thiele; B.Ø. Palsson

A protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstruction.

I. Thiele; B.Ø. Palsson

Insight into human alveolar macrophage and M. tuberculosis interactions via metabolic reconstructions.

A. Bordbar; N.E. Lewis; J. Schellenberger; B.Ø. Palsson; N. Jamshidi

Towards genome-scale signalling network reconstructions.

D.R. Hyduke; B.Ø. Palsson

RNA polymerase mutants found through adaptive evolution reprogram Escherichia coli for optimal growth in minimal media.

T.M. Conrad; M. Frazier; A.R. Joyce; B.K. Cho; E.M. Knight; N.E. Lewis; R. Landick; B.Ø. Palsson

What is flux balance analysis?

J.D. Orth; I. Thiele; B.Ø. Palsson

Genetic basis of growth adaptation of Escherichia coli after deletion of pgi, a major metabolic gene.

P. Charusanti; T.M. Conrad; E.M. Knight; K. Venkataraman; N.L. Fong; B. Xie; Y. Gao; B.Ø. Palsson

Production of pilus-like filaments in Geobacter sulfurreducens in the absence of the type IV pilin protein PilA.

A. Klimes; A.E. Franks; R.H. Glaven; H. Tran; C.L. Barrett; Y. Qiu; K. Zengler; D.R. Lovley

Mass action stoichiometric simulation models: incorporating kinetics and regulation into stoichiometric models.

N. Jamshidi; B.Ø. Palsson

Microbiology. Topping off a multiscale balancing act.

J.A. Lerman; B.Ø. Palsson

Reconstruction annotation jamborees: a community approach to systems biology.

I. Thiele; B.Ø. Palsson

Large-scale in silico modeling of metabolic interactions between cell types in the human brain.

N.E. Lewis; G. Schramm; A. Bordbar; J. Schellenberger; M.P. Andersen; J.K. Cheng; N. Patel; A. Yee; R.A. Lewis; R. Eils; R. König; B.Ø. Palsson

The challenges of integrating multi-omic data sets.

B.Ø. Palsson; K. Zengler

BiGG: a Biochemical Genetic and Genomic knowledgebase of large scale metabolic reconstructions.

J. Schellenberger; J.O. Park; T.M. Conrad; B.Ø. Palsson

The biomass objective function.

A.M. Feist; B.Ø. Palsson

Adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 during growth on a Nonnative carbon source, L-1,2-propanediol.

D.H. Lee; B.Ø. Palsson

Functional states of the genome-scale Escherichia coli transcriptional regulatory system.

E.P. Gianchandani; A.R. Joyce; B.Ø. Palsson; J.A. Papin

Probing the basis for genotype-phenotype relationships.

B.K. Cho; B.Ø. Palsson

Can the protein occupancy landscape show the topologically isolated chromosomal domains in the E. coli genome?: An exciting prospect.

B.K. Cho; B.Ø. Palsson

Flux-concentration duality in dynamic nonequilibrium biological networks.

N. Jamshidi; B.Ø. Palsson

Use of randomized sampling for analysis of metabolic networks.

J. Schellenberger; B.Ø. Palsson

Whole-genome resequencing of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 undergoing short-term laboratory evolution in lactate minimal media reveals flexible selection of adaptive mutations.

T.M. Conrad; A.R. Joyce; K.M. Applebee; C.L. Barrett; B. Xie; Y. Gao; B.Ø. Palsson