Systems Biology: Constraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis
Bernhard Palsson
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Lecture Videos

Systems Biology: Simulation of Dynamic Network States
Bernhard Palsson
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Associated Lecture Slides
Associated Mathematica Notebooks
Associated Matlab Notebooks

Systems Biology: Properties of Reconstructed Networks
Bernhard Palsson Cambridge University Press, 2006

Human Cell Culture, Volumes I-V
M.R. Koller, Bernhard Palsson, and J.W. Masters
Kluwer, 2000
Publicly Accessible Video Lectures
The Richard H. Wilhelm Lecture at Princeton University (2022)
Bernhard Palsson delivers two lectures on Genome Engineering as the honoree of this lectureship Video Link 1 Video Link 2
Introduction to Structural Systems Biology (2020)
Edward Catoiu delivers a lecture in BENG 212. Video Link
Deconvoluting the Transcriptional Regulatory Network (2019)
Anand Sastry delivers a webinar to the NIAID/DMID Systems Biology Consortium for Infectious Diseases. Video Link
An Emerging Era of Genome-scale Science (2017)
Bernhard Palsson delivers the Volterra Lecture in Bergen, Norway. Video Link
Predictive Biology Through Genome-scale Models (2014)
Bernhard Palsson delivers a keynote at the New York University Abu Dhabi Systems Biology Symposium. Video Link
Building Genome-scale Models (GEMs): some historical perspectives (2013)
Bernhard Palsson delivers a short talk on the history of GEMs at CalIT2 at UCSD. Video Link
Systems Biology of Metabolism (2011)
Bernhard Palsson delivers a lecture as part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas. UT Dallas Lecture Series Web Page
Miscellaneous Lectures
2000 Hougen Visiting Professorship Lectures
Given at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
October through December, 2000
Bioengineering 203 (Spring 2004)
Taiwan Short Course (Fall 2003)
Convex Analysis and Optimization (Summer 2003) - Short course by Dr. Harvey Greenberg