Publication Title Authors Publication Year Sort ascending
Applications of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions.

M.A. Oberhardt; B.Ø. Palsson; J.A. Papin

Decomposing complex reaction networks using random sampling, principal component analysis and basis rotation.

C.L. Barrett; M.J. Herrgard; B.Ø. Palsson

Reconstruction of biochemical networks in microorganisms.

A.M. Feist; M.J. Herrgard; I. Thiele; J.L. Reed; B.Ø. Palsson

Constraint-based analysis of metabolic capacity of Salmonella typhimurium during host-pathogen interaction.

A. Raghunathan; J.L. Reed; S. Shin; B.Ø. Palsson; S. Daefler

Metabolic network analysis integrated with transcript verification for sequenced genomes.

A. Manichaikul; L. Ghamsari; E.F.Y. Hom; C. Lin; R.R. Murray; R.L. Chang; S. Balaji; T. Hao; Y. Shen; A.K. Chavali; I. Thiele; X. Yang; C. Fan; E. Mello; D.E. Hill; M. Vidal; K. Salehi-Ashtiani; J.A. Papin

Genome-scale network analysis of imprinted human metabolic genes.

M.I. Sigurdsson; N. Jamshidi; J.J. Jonsson; B.Ø. Palsson

Three-dimensional structural view of the central metabolic network of Thermotoga maritima.

Y. Zhang; I. Thiele; D. Weekes; Z. Li; L. Jaroszewski; K. Ginalski; A.M. Deacon; J. Wooley; S.A. Lesley; I.A. Wilson; B.Ø. Palsson; A.L. Osterman; A. Godzik

Identification of potential pathway mediation targets in Toll-like receptor signaling.

F. Li; I. Thiele; N. Jamshidi; B.Ø. Palsson

Metabolic systems biology.

B.Ø. Palsson

Genome-scale reconstruction of Escherichia coli's transcriptional and translational machinery: a knowledge base, its mathematical formulation, and its functional characterization.

I. Thiele; N. Jamshidi; R.M.T. Fleming; B.Ø. Palsson

Connecting extracellular metabolomic measurements to intracellular flux states in yeast.

M.L. Mo; B.Ø. Palsson; M.J. Herrgard

Gene expression profiling and the use of genome-scale in silico models of Escherichia coli for analysis: providing context for content.

N.E. Lewis; B.K. Cho; E.M. Knight; B.Ø. Palsson

Using in silico models to simulate dual perturbation experiments: procedure development and interpretation of outcomes.

N. Jamshidi; B.Ø. Palsson

Functional states of the genome-scale Escherichia coli transcriptional regulatory system.

E.P. Gianchandani; A.R. Joyce; B.Ø. Palsson; J.A. Papin

Probing the basis for genotype-phenotype relationships.

B.K. Cho; B.Ø. Palsson

Top-down analysis of temporal hierarchy in biochemical reaction networks.

N. Jamshidi; B.Ø. Palsson

A genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of Pseudomonas putida KT2440: iJN746 as a cell factory.

J. Nogales; B.Ø. Palsson; I. Thiele

A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biology.

M.J. Herrgard; N. Swainston; P. Dobson; W.B. Dunn; Y.K. Arga; M. Arvas; N. Blüthgen; S. Borger; R. Costenoble; M. Heinemann; M. Hucka; N. Le Novère; P. Li; W. Liebermeister; M.L. Mo; A.P. Oliveira; D. Petranovic; S. Pettifer; E. Simeonidis; K. Smallbone; I. Spasić; D. Weichart; R. Brent; D.S. Broomhead; H.V. Westerhoff; B. Kirdar; M. Penttilä; E. Klipp; B.Ø. Palsson; U. Sauer; S.G. Oliver; P. Mendes; J. Nielsen; D.B. Kell

Aerobic fermentation of D-glucose by an evolved cytochrome oxidase-deficient Escherichia coli strain.

V.A. Portnoy; M.J. Herrgard; B.Ø. Palsson

Three factors underlying incorrect in silico predictions of essential metabolic genes.

S.A. Becker; B.Ø. Palsson

Genome-scale reconstruction of the Lrp regulatory network in Escherichia coli.

B.K. Cho; C.L. Barrett; E.M. Knight; Y.S. Park; B.Ø. Palsson

Formulating genome-scale kinetic models in the post-genome era.

N. Jamshidi; B.Ø. Palsson

Genome-wide analysis of Fis binding in Escherichia coli indicates a causative role for A-/AT-tracts.

B.K. Cho; E.M. Knight; C.L. Barrett; B.Ø. Palsson

Genomewide identification of protein binding locations using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with microarray.

B.K. Cho; E.M. Knight; B.Ø. Palsson

Predicting gene essentiality using genome-scale in silico models.

A.R. Joyce; B.Ø. Palsson

Context-specific metabolic networks are consistent with experiments.

S.A. Becker; B.Ø. Palsson

Impact of individual mutations on increased fitness in adaptively evolved strains of Escherichia coli.

K.M. Applebee; M.J. Herrgard; B.Ø. Palsson

The growing scope of applications of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions using Escherichia coli.

A.M. Feist; B.Ø. Palsson

Network-based prediction of human tissue-specific metabolism.

T. Shlomi; M.N. Cabili; M.J. Herrgard; B.Ø. Palsson; E. Ruppin

Genome-scale reconstruction and in silico analysis of the Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 metabolic network.

J. Lee; H. Yun; A.M. Feist; B.Ø. Palsson; S.Y. Lee