Publication Title | Authors | Publication Year Sort ascending |
Systems Biology and Pangenome of Salmonella O-Antigens | Seif Y, Monk JM, Machado H, Palsson BO. |
2019 |
Profiling the effect of nafcillin on HA-MRSA D712 using bacteriological and physiological media | Rajput A, Poudel S, Tsunemoto H, Meehan M, Szubin R, Olson CA, Lamsa A, Seif Y, Dillon N, Vrbanac A, Sugie J, Dahesh S, Monk JM, Dorrestein PC, Knight R, Nizet V, Palsson BO, Feist AM, Pogliano J. |
2019 |
A defined minimal medium for systems analyses of Staphylococcus aureus reveals strain-specific metabolic requirements | Machado H, Weng LL, Dillon N, Seif Y, Holland M, Pekar JE, Monk JM, Nizet V, Palsson BO, Feist AM. |
2019 |
Systems-level analysis of NalD mutation, a recurrent driver of rapid drug resistance in acute Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection | Yan J, Estanbouli H, Liao C, Kim W, Monk JM, Rahman R, Kamboj M, Palsson BO, Qiu W, Xavier JB |
2019 |
DynamicME: dynamic simulation and refinement of integrated models of metabolism and protein expression | Yang L, Ebrahim A, Lloyd CJ, Saunders MA, Palsson BO |
2019 |
Inactivation of a Mismatch-Repair System Diversifies Genotypic Landscape of Escherichia coli During Adaptive Laboratory Evolution | Kang M, Kim K, Choe D, Cho S, Kim SC, Palsson B, Cho BK |
2019 |
A workflow for generating multi-strain genome-scale metabolic models of prokaryotes | Norsigian CJ, Fang X, Seif Y, Monk JM, Palsson BO |
2019 |
Coupling S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methylation to growth: Design and uses | Luo H, Hansen ASL, Yang L, Schneider K, Kristensen M, Christensen U, |
2019 |
The Transcription Unit Architecture of Streptomyces lividans TK24 | Lee Y, Lee N, Jeong Y, Hwang S, Kim W, Cho S, Palsson BO, Cho BK |
2019 |
Enzyme promiscuity shapes adaptation to novel growth substrates | Guzmán GI, Sandberg TE, LaCroix RA, Nyerges Á, Papp H, de Raad M, King ZA, |
2019 |
The genetic basis for adaptation of model-designed syntrophic co-cultures | Lloyd CJ, King ZA, Sandberg TE, Hefner Y, Olson CA, Phaneuf PV, O'Brien EJ, Sanders JG, Salido RA, Sanders K, Brennan C, Humphrey G, Knight R, Feist AM |
2019 |
Cross-compartment metabolic coupling enables flexible photoprotective mechanisms in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum | Broddrick JT, Du N, Smith SR, Tsuji Y, Jallet D, Ware MA, Peers G, Matsuda Y, |
2019 |
Evolution and regulation of nitrogen flux through compartmentalized metabolic networks in a marine diatom | Smith SR, Dupont CL, McCarthy JK, Broddrick JT, Oborník M, Horák A, Füssy Z, Cihlář J, Kleessen S, Zheng H, McCrow JP, Hixson KK, Araújo WL, Nunes-Nesi A, Fernie A, Nikoloski Z, Palsson BO, Allen AE |
2019 |
Adaptive laboratory evolution of a genome-reduced Escherichia coli | D. Choe; J.Hyoung Lee; M. Yoo; S. Hwang; B.Hyun Sung; S. Cho; B. Palsson; S.Chang Kim; B.K. Cho |
2019 |
A White-Box Machine Learning Approach for Revealing Antibiotic Mechanisms of Action | Yang, J.H., Wright, S.N., Hamblin, M., McCloskey, D., Alcantar, M.A., Schrubbers, L., Lopatkin, A.J., Satish, S., Nili, A., Palsson, B.O., Walker, G.C., Collins, J.J |
2019 |
Adaptive laboratory evolution of Escherichia coli under acid stress | Du B, Olson CA, Sastry AV, Fang X, Phaneuf PV, Chen K, Wu M, Szubin R, Xu S, Hefner Y, Feist AM, Palsson BO |
2019 |
Machine learning and structural analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pan-genome identifies genetic signatures of antibiotic resistance | E.S. Kavvas; E. Catoiu; N. Mih; J.T. Yurkovich; Y. Seif; N. Dillon; D. Heckmann; A. Anand; L. Yang; V. Nizet; J.M. Monk; B.O. Palsson |
2018 |
Adaptation to the coupling of glycolysis to toxic methylglyoxal production in tpiA deletion strains of Escherichia coli requires synchronized and counterintuitive genetic changes. | D. McCloskey; S. Xu; T.E. Sandberg; E. Brunk; Y. Hefner; R. Szubin; A.M. Feist; B.O. Palsson |
2018 |
Revealing Key Determinants of Clonal Variation in Transgene Expression in Recombinant CHO Cells Using Targeted Genome Editing. | J.Seong Lee; J.Hyoung Park; T.Kwang Ha; M. Samoudi; N.E. Lewis; B.O. Palsson; H.Faustrup Kildegaard; G.M. Lee |
2018 |
Characterizing posttranslational modifications in prokaryotic metabolism using a multiscale workflow | E. Brunk; R.L. Chang; J. Xia; H. Hefzi; J.T. Yurkovich; D. Kim; E. Buckmiller; H.H. Wang; B.K. Cho; C. Yang; B.O. Palsson; G.M. Church; N.E. Lewis |
2018 |
Temperature-Dependent Estimation of Gibbs Energies Using an Updated Group-Contribution Method. | B. Du; Z. Zhang; S. Grubner; J.T. Yurkovich; B.O. Palsson; D.C. Zielinski |
2018 |
Dataset on economic analysis of mass production of algae in LED-based photobioreactors. | W. Fu; S. Gudmundsson; K. Wichuk; S. Palsson; B.O. Palsson; K. Salehi-Ashtiani; S. Brynjólfsson |
2018 |
Thermodynamic favorability and pathway yield as evolutionary tradeoffs in biosynthetic pathway choice | B. Du; D.C. Zielinski; J.M. Monk; B.O. Palsson |
2018 |
The Staphylococcus aureus Two-Component System AgrAC Displays Four Distinct Genomic Arrangements That Delineate Genomic Virulence Factor Signatures | K.S. Choudhary; N. Mih; J. Monk; E. Kavvas; J.T. Yurkovich; G. Sakoulas; B.O. Palsson |
2018 |
Systems analysis of metabolism in platelet concentrates during storage in platelet additive solution. | F. Johannsson; S. Guðmundsson; G. Paglia; S. Guðmundsson; B. Palsson; O.E. Sigurjónsson; O. Rolfsson |
2018 |
ChIP-exo interrogation of Crp, DNA, and RNAP holoenzyme interactions. | H. Latif; S. Federowicz; A. Ebrahim; J. Tarasova; R. Szubin; J. Utrilla; K. Zengler; B.O. Palsson |
2018 |
Escher-FBA: a web application for interactive flux balance analysis | E. Rowe; B.O. Palsson; Z.A. King |
2018 |
High-Level dCas9 Expression Induces Abnormal Cell Morphology in Escherichia coli. | S. Cho; D. Choe; E. Lee; S.Chang Kim; B. Palsson; B.K. Cho |
2018 |
Basics of genome-scale metabolic modeling and applications on C1-utilization. | I. Kabimoldayev; A.Duc Nguyen; L. Yang; S. Park; E.Yeol Lee; D. Kim |
2018 |
iCN718, an Updated and Improved Genome-Scale Metabolic Network Reconstruction of Acinetobacter baumannii AYE | C.J. Norsigian; E. Kavvas; Y. Seif; B.O. Palsson; J.M. Monk |
2018 |
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