Utilizing biomarkers to forecast quantitative metabolite concentration profiles in human red blood cells |
J.T. Yurkovich; L. Yang; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Elucidating dynamic metabolic physiology through network integration of quantitative time-course metabolomics. |
A. Bordbar; J.T. Yurkovich; G. Paglia; O. Rolfsson; O.E. Sigurjónsson; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Thermosensitivity of growth is determined by chaperone-mediated proteome reallocation |
K. Chen; Y. Gao; N. Mih; E.J. ’ Brien; L. Yang; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Biomarkers are used to predict quantitative metabolite concentration profiles in human red blood cells. |
J.T. Yurkovich; L. Yang; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
A Padawan Programmer’s Guide to Developing Software Libraries |
J.T. Yurkovich; B.J. Yurkovich; A. Draeger; B.O. Palsson; Z.A. King |
2017 |
Fast growth phenotype of E. coli K-12 from adaptive laboratory evolution does not require intracellular flux rewiring. |
C.P. Long; J.E. Gonzalez; A.M. Feist; B.O. Palsson; M.R. Antoniewicz |
2017 |
A Model for Designing Adaptive Laboratory Evolution Experiments. |
R.A. LaCroix; B.O. Palsson; A.M. Feist |
2017 |
Global transcriptional regulatory network for Escherichia coli robustly connects gene expression to transcription factor activities. |
X. Fang; A. Sastry; N. Mih; D. Kim; J. Tan; J.T. Yurkovich; C.J. Lloyd; Y. Gao; L. Yang; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Integrated Regulatory and Metabolic Networks of the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Predict the Response to Rising CO2 Levels. |
J. Levering; C.L. Dupont; A.E. Allen; B.O. Palsson; K. Zengler |
2017 |
Underground metabolism: network-level perspective and biotechnological potential |
R.A. Notebaart; álint Kintses; A.M. Feist; ázs Papp |
2017 |
Systems biology analysis of drivers underlying hallmarks of cancer cell metabolism. |
D.C. Zielinski; N. Jamshidi; A.J. Corbett; A. Bordbar; A. Thomas; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Mannose and fructose metabolism in red blood cells during cold storage in SAGM. |
O. Rolfsson; F. Johannsson; M. Magnúsdóttir; G. Paglia; O.E. Sigurjónsson; A. Bordbar; S. Palsson; S. Brynjólfsson; S. Guðmundsson; B. Palsson |
2017 |
Whole-Genome Sequencing of Invasion-Resistant Cells Identifies Laminin α2 as a Host Factor for Bacterial Invasion. |
X.M. van Wijk; S. Döhrmann; B.M. Hallström; S. Li; B.G. Voldborg; B.X. Meng; K.K. McKee; T.H. van Kuppevelt; P.D. Yurchenco; B.O. Palsson; N.E. Lewis; V. Nizet; J.D. Esko |
2017 |
COBRAme: A Computational Framework for Building and Manipulating Models of Metabolism and Gene Expression |
C.J. Lloyd; A. Ebrahim; L. Yang; Z.A. King; E. Catoiu; E.J. O'Brien; J.K. Liu; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Metabolic Models of Protein Allocation Call for the Kinetome. |
A. Nilsson; J. Nielsen; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Topological and Kinetic Determinants of the Modal Matrices of Dynamic Models of Metabolism |
B. Du; D.C. Zielinski; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Dissecting the genetic and metabolic mechanisms of adaptation to the knockout of a major metabolic enzyme in Escherichia coli. |
C.P. Long; J.E. Gonzalez; A.M. Feist; B.O. Palsson; M.R. Antoniewicz |
2017 |
Expanding The Computable Reactome In Pseudomonas putida Reveals Metabolic Cycles Providing Robustness |
J. Nogales; S. Gudmundsson; E. Duque; J.Lewis Ramos; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Antibiotic-Induced Changes to the Host Metabolic Environment Inhibit Drug Efficacy and Alter Immune Function. |
J.H. Yang; P. Bhargava; D. McCloskey; N. Mao; B.O. Palsson; J.J. Collins |
2017 |
Revealing genome-scale transcriptional regulatory landscape of OmpR highlights its expanded regulatory roles under osmotic stress in Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655. |
S.Woo Seo; Y. Gao; D. Kim; R. Szubin; J. Yang; B.K. Cho; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Generation of a platform strain for ionic liquid tolerance using adaptive laboratory evolution. |
E.T. Mohamed; S. Wang; R.M. Lennen; M.J. Herrgard; B.A. Simmons; S.W. Singer; A.M. Feist |
2017 |
Laboratory Evolution to Alternating Substrate Environments Yields Distinct Phenotypic and Genetic Adaptive Strategies. |
T.E. Sandberg; C.J. Lloyd; B.O. Palsson; A.M. Feist |
2017 |
Quantitative time-course metabolomics in human red blood cells reveal the temperature dependence of human metabolic networks. |
J.T. Yurkovich; D.C. Zielinski; L. Yang; G. Paglia; O. Rolfsson; O.E. Sigurjónsson; J.T. Broddrick; A. Bordbar; K. Wichuk; S. Brynjólfsson; S. Palsson; S. Gudmundsson; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Machine Learning in Computational Biology to Accelerate High-Throughput Protein Expression. |
A. Sastry; J. Monk; H. Tegel; M. Uhlen; B.O. Palsson; J. Rockberg; E. Brunk |
2017 |
iML1515, a knowledgebase that computes Escherichia coli traits. |
J.M. Monk; C.J. Lloyd; E. Brunk; N. Mih; A. Sastry; Z. King; R. Takeuchi; W. Nomura; Z. Zhang; H. Mori; A.M. Feist; B.O. Palsson |
2017 |
Metabolomics comparison of red cells stored in four additive solutions reveals differences in citrate anticoagulant permeability and metabolism. |
Ó. Rolfsson; Ó.E. Sigurjonsson; M. Magnusdottir; F. Johannsson; G. Paglia; S. Guðmundsson; A. Bordbar; S. Palsson; S. Brynjólfsson; S. Guðmundsson; B. Palsson |
2017 |
solveME: fast and reliable solution of nonlinear ME models. |
L. Yang; D. Ma; A. Ebrahim; C.J. Lloyd; M.A. Saunders; B.O. Palsson |
2016 |
Evolution of E. coli on [U-13C]Glucose Reveals a Negligible Isotopic Influence on Metabolism and Physiology. |
T.E. Sandberg; C.P. Long; J.E. Gonzalez; A.M. Feist; M.R. Antoniewicz; B.O. Palsson |
2016 |
Biomarkers defining the metabolic age of red blood cells during cold storage. |
G. Paglia; A. D'Alessandro; O. Rolfsson; O.E. Sigurjónsson; A. Bordbar; S. Palsson; T. Nemkov; K.C. Hansen; S. Gudmundsson; B.O. Palsson |
2016 |
Systems biology of the structural proteome. |
E. Brunk; N. Mih; J. Monk; Z. Zhang; E.J. O'Brien; S.E. Bliven; K. Chen; R.L. Chang; P.E. Bourne; B.O. Palsson |
2016 |